Pamela Hong, PhD student in the sociology department and Indiana University Graduate Scholars Fellow, wins a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP), which recognizes outstanding graduate students pursuing full-time research-based doctoral degrees in STEM fields. Through the NSF, Hong will be supported with three years of funding for research that is considered “important, timely, and have important ramifications for society.” Her project “Victim Framing: How Newspaper Articles Report Immigration Protest Events” examines how print media’s framing of immigrants take on a victim narrative when in the context of immigrant social movements and how media framing (threat, victim, and hero narratives) is differentially used depending on the racial category of the immigrant group. Hong is also a co-author of “The ties that mobilize us: Networks, intergroup contact, and participation in the Black Lives Matter movement,” published in Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.