Indiana Memorial Union
This symposium is an interdisciplinary space that highlights race and ethnicity research being done by graduate students across the Indiana University Bloomington campus.
As part of its mission to foster research on race and ethnicity across disciplines, CRRES coordinates and sponsors a wide variety of events on campus. We hold social gatherings for faculty and students. In addition to our dedicated speaker series, CRRES also offers many co-sponsored events, partnering with organizations, departments, and research centers to bring high-profile scholars of race and ethnicity to campus.
Indiana Memorial Union
This symposium is an interdisciplinary space that highlights race and ethnicity research being done by graduate students across the Indiana University Bloomington campus.
CRRES Research Symposium Keynote Speaker: Mimi Khuc
Indiana Memorial Union, 900 E 7th Street, Bloomington, IN
“Touring the Abyss with dear elia: Unwellness and Care in the University”
Indiana Memorial Union
This symposium is an interdisciplinary space that highlights race and ethnicity research being done by graduate students across the Indiana University Bloomington campus.
Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society
Schuessler Institute for Social Research
1022 E. 3rd St., Room 209,
Bloomington, IN 47405
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm