Day 1 | Thursday, April 10, 2025
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Mimi Khúc 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Sassafras Room, Indiana Memorial Union
Refreshments will be available
Day 2 | Friday, April 11, 2025
Graduate Research Panels & Undergraduate Research Program (URP) Poster Session
Breakfast: 9:00 - 9:45 am, Walnut Room
Session 1: Interculturalism and Identity (9:45 - 10:45 am, Walnut Room)
Moderator: Ellen Wu, Associate Professor, History
- Lisa Doi, American Studies
Journey to the Ireito: Repair and Remembrance in Japanese American Community Pilgrimages - Xinwen Huang, African American & African Diaspora Studies
Cosmopolitanism Reinvented: Intercultural Encounters between Sino-African American Intellectuals in Early and Mid-20th Century China - Maya Best, Sociology
A piece of Bengal in Japan: the intercultural relationships between Bengalis and Japanese in Tokyo
Session 2: Blackness, Resistance, and Liberation (9:45 - 10:45 am, Maple Room)
Moderator: Amrita Myers, Professor, History
- Jeffery Giddings, African American & African Diaspora Studies
The Wake of Blackness: Public Spaces in the UK and Reckonings with its Racialized Histories - William Morgan, History
Origins: Demanding Emancipation in Revolutionary Massachusetts - Uzoamaka Nwachukwu, History
Silent Defiance: Tax Compliance as a Strategy for Social Justice in Colonial Eastern Nigeria (1930–1960)
Session 3: Interrogating Place and Nationalism (11am-Noon, Maple Room)
Moderator: Ishan Ashutosh, Associate Professor, Geography
- Jeff Moscaritolo, American Studies
Countering Orientalist/Nationalist Distortions of Dunn Meadow - Avanti Chhatre, Anthropology
The Poetics and Politics of the Marathi Powada (ballad): An Analysis of Sonic Assertions of Nationalism - Andrea Marañón Laguna, Anthropology
Navigating Cultural Heritage Politics along the Maya Train
Lunch: Noon-1:00pm, Walnut Room
Undergraduate Research Program Poster Session: 1:00 - 2:00 pm, Redbud Room
Session 4: Education, Language and Belonging (2:15pm-3:15pm, Walnut Room)
Moderator: Vanessa Miller, Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- Janaleigh Muszynsky, Education/Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Leading the Way to Belonging: Exploring leadership development and belonging in Latine students in LSGOs - Paul Garza, American Studies
Latinos Unidos: Solidarity and Confronting Racism at Indiana University - Gaya Morris, Anthropology
Raciolinguistic ideologies and affects in French-Wolof bilingualism in Senegalese elementary schools
Session 5: Race, Addiction, and Relationships (2:15pm-3:15pm, Maple Room)
Moderator: Gabriel Peoples, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies
- Peper Rivers, American Studies
NARA at NARA: Archival findings from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on the rise and fall of the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA) - Jesus Navarro, Education/Applied Psychology in Education and Research Methodology
Los Hombres no Lloran: The Role of Emotional Suppression in Machismo, Substance Use, and Treatment-Seeking among Mexican Men - Alexis Briggins, Education/Applied Psychology in Education and Research Methodology
How Racial Socialization Shapes Dating Experiences for Black/White Biracial Women
Session 6: Decolonization, Healing, and Resilience (3:30pm-4:30pm, Walnut Room)
Moderator: Faye Gleisser, Associate Professor, Art History
- Mallika Khanna, Media School/Cinema and Media Studies
Is Racial “Healing” Possible?: Interrogating Racialized Somatechniques of Survival, Care and Cure - Daixuan Ai, Jacobs School of Music
Asian American Identity and Resilience Through Musical Performance - sasha weiss, American Studies
Decolonizing Cyberspace: Indigenous Futurisms, Digital Transits of Empire, and Anticolonial AI