Five CRRES Affiliates were awarded funding from Indiana University's new Racial Justice Fund. A big congratulations to Dr. Pamela Jackson, Dr. David Konisky, Dr. Candace Miller, Dr. Tennisha Riley, and Dr. Fabio Rojas!
- Pamela Jackson, College of Arts & Sciences, IU Bloomington: IU Social Empathy Laboratory - Proof of Concept
- David Konisky, O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs, IU Bloomington: Identifying Environmental Justice Communities in Indiana
- Candace Miller, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society and O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IU Bloomington: Racial Disparities among Small Businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Tennisha Riley, School of Education, IU Bloomington: Black Youth's Emotion Regulation Strategies in Response to Racial Discrimination Experiences - An Examination of Peer Support and Civic Engagement
- Fabio Rojas, College of Arts & Sciences, IU Bloomington: What is the Impact of Black Lives Matter on American Society?
View all currently funded projects, including a spotlight on Candace Miller's research on racial disparities among small businesses. Proposals for the Racial Justice Fund proposals will continue to be accepted until November 6, 2020.