Bans and Burnings

Schools and classrooms are becoming targets of attacks on teaching of truth and history. Over the last few months, several states have pushed legislation that regulates how educators and students engage in discussions of identity, equality, and justice. The state of Indiana saw its own version of the legislation that was eventually struck down with strong resistance from educators, activists, community members, and scholars. Join this panel discussion with scholars from the School of Education as they discuss the implications of these legislative efforts and what this means for the future of public education, educators, and the young people these institutions are meant to serve.

Panelists include Lisa Aguilar (Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology), Marcus Croom (Curriculum and Instruction), Alex Cuenca (Curriculum and Instruction; and Teacher Education), and Tennisha Riley (Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology; CRRES Affiliate), and will be moderated by CRRES Postdoctoral Scholar Vivek Vellenki (Curriculum and Instruction).

Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society
Schuessler Institute for Social Research
1022 E. 3rd St., Room 209,
Bloomington, IN 47405
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm